Saturday, October 6, 2012

Alt Abuse

I been meaning to write this sooner, but I have been preoccupied with a lot of things. I spent half the day at the doctors, rest of it in bed. I also plan to spend the majority of my day in bed..and maybe get some fresh air.  If you're wondering what I was at the doctor's for yesterday, too bad. Either you know or you don't, again my blog will not reflect that part of my life.

I didn't want to wait any longer to write this. I feel like if I stop writing in here for an extended amount of time, I will never write it in again. Now onto the topic.

Alts..most, if not everyone has one on Second Life. We use alts for multiple purposes. They can be used as models, banks, bots or even holding name purposes. Other people like  myself had made alts for artistic purposes. I made my alt not only for some peace, but also to explore a darker side and use him to indulge into the arts. He is an extension of myself but is still me. I have entrusted a number of my friends to know who my alt is so they can contact me. My alt is not there for deception.

Now, this is where I get to the main point of the title. Alt abuse. How many is too many? Also, why do people think it is okay to continuously make alts in order to harass someone. If they block you the first time, shouldn't that give you the hint? I do not see the reason why someone would also make an alt to spread rumors around. This has not happened to me, but this has happened to two dear people of mine. For instance someone made an alt and spread rumors about him and to anyone who hung out with tarnish any reputation or chance of a relationship. Another friend had to deal with an ex-friend of theirs alting, making fake logs and making a sad attempt to ruin her business.

Seriously folks, how much fucking time do you have?

I can barely balance two alts, let alone thinking of making even more to bug and harass people. Then again it gets worse. The two alts I mentioned above were just noobs, blanks. No pictures, early creation date and they were never used again...but others? People will put a lot of linden and love into their alt. They'll make it pretty and perfect and set it out into SL. So..whats the problem? I did the same thing with my alt. Yet lets make this clear.

I do not, nor will ever use my alt to harass the current people I know. Nor will I try use him to play mind games or to cheat on my boyfriend. None of that is sane to me..yet it happens. I can name a few people in the gay community who love making alts. Hell, I know one guy who made and alt recently and is passing it off as his boyfriend. I wonder how long that will last, but I think it's sad hes lying to his friends. Then again, this said person also was on an alt while his main one was claiming he was dying of cancer of some sort. Classy man...and most of us know who you are. I won't bother to say names.

I've seen others make alts after they claim they quit SL, only to roam around and do the same last thing they made them want to quit last time. Not only that, instead of a fresh start they just keep thrusting their alt into the same old community in hopes they can pass off for someone new. Well..sorry everyone, eventually we all find out who you are. There is really no point in hiding it. An alt should have a purpose, other than holding multiple relationships, harassing or playing mind games. Second Life provides a chance for us to have multiple faces and identities..unlike RL. So maybe it's time to stop abusing it.

Until next time,



  1. I like your post not only for the honesty but also getting the word out about this issue. I myself do not have an alt, reason being, I do not have the time to deal with another account. I have been partnered in sl 2 times in the 5 years of being in sl. My first partner had an addiction to making multiple accounts all of which he partnered to other women while trying to hide it behind my back, what gave it away? He send out an email meant for one of his other partners to me by accident. I started diggin till I found the truth. He had to go. a year later I met my 2nd partner, 2 years into it he cheated on me with someone close to me while RL had taken me away from sl for 1 week. 2 weeks later he lied asking if my shape was trans, he wanted to make me things he said....... I didn't think nothin of it till he started wearing my shape and buying n-core shoes. I caught him 3 weeks later in a 3some with 2 shemales. I left him, a month later he asked if we could start over, I agreed as long as he swore to never screw me over again. he agreed, but 2 months later he started escorting , he was wearing my shape changed the male avi I married into a woman. I found out and told hi we were over. 2 weeks later he told me he couldn't bare it with us not being together. He stopped it and wanted us to start over. Stupid me agreed. A friend he confided in told me he had made an alt that was female. And i needed to check into it because he had partnered said alt to a shemale. I confronted him, he lied straight through his teeth. So I took it to the partner, he was trying so hard to pass as a female he even downloaded a voice morphin proggy, well it didn't work out the shemale heard his true voice. they broke up, me and him broke up and all I can say is the people who make alts to go out and cheat and play those mind games, it comes back to them one day and when it does, remember those people they hurt. Because for myself, I will never trust another soul within SL or RL.

    1. Thank you for your comment. I am happy to hear people reading my content and relating to it. I can understand how tough that must have been.
