Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Little Things

Normally I am not a morning person. Seeing me conscious before 9 am usually means something or someone woke me up and as a result all with suffer. Of course this time it was my alarm, but I also saw another thing on my phone that instantly put a smile on my face.

It's the little things that can change a person's perspective and day. Yesterday I pondered over the things that  bring me down and the things that uplift me. Overall happiness will never be reached because there will always be negative forces in your life. Perhaps the most important thing though is to focus on the things that make you smile instead of dwelling on things you cannot control. Therefore instead of revolving my day around the negative I took time to embrace the positive.

Now the positive can come from many things, and not just people around you. I find listening to music in the morning motivates me and uplifts my spirit. I also take time to sit down and give my dogs proper loving. Certain things I see or read on FB, restoring my faith in humanity. Again, it will always be the tiniest things that can change your whole day. While its the negative thoughts, negative people, or the fucking cold weather outside that try to drag you down, you have to remember the small things that get you through the day.

My nephew posted a LONG ass status appreciating all the people that make him smile. I'm sure it made a lot of people happy. Everything takes a bit nurturing, even the best of relationships. Even though you are already happy as can be, don't forget the details. A simple text, a smile or even a wave to a stranger can completely change the outcome of a day. Even though I feel cheesy writing this, I am slowly learning that being happy is more important than always being "right." That friends mean more than pride. Lastly, anyone who tries to get me down is not even worth a thought. There are many beautiful things going on around us, and if we stop to take in the good rather than the bad we can easily turn around the mood.

In a previous blog "Let it Go" I also talked about negativity. While we all have our weak moments and cannot help but feel depressed, sad or hopeless, this is normal. Usually when I feel this way I know it's time to just go to bed and wake up with a fresh start because staying awake and being self-destructive helps no one. Sadly I know plenty of people who thrive on the negative like it's their favorite meal of the day. It fuels them, not realizing that not only that it is destructive to themselves but also to the people around them. A negative thought is contagious in the thought gives birth to many and before you realize it you're stuck in a dark place and inconsolable.

That is why taking a breath and focusing on the positive is most important. While most upset people don't like to hear "think positive," it does hold true. Then again, I think those negative people have to realize it for themselves. Course I know I won't always be this mushy. Maybe I am just having a good day, or maybe someone slipped drugs in my coffee, either way, I want to try to keep this attitude for awhile.

Until next time,

- Yu

.Just Breath.

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