Wednesday, November 14, 2012

"Amurikans", This One is for You.

I was not going to write something political or unrelated to SL. I was not going to do it  but I cannot help but feel so passionate on this subject. Here I am, residing in one of the most richest and privileged countries in the world and I feel like I'm the only one who actually fucking appreciates it.

Now this is not all election based, you see for years and for a few elections I have seen Americans whine and cry over who wins as president. Fine, feel upset..I can sympathize. You believe in someone so it's natural to want them to come on top, but what is really getting my goat is the number of people who are wishing to secede. Yes, SECEDE. There are many Texans, and others in states signing petitions to remove themselves from America. Are you fucking kidding me? You want to give up your citizenship? Well fuck then hand it on over to me. Me, and other foreigners who have come here want nothing more than to take your place.

Many of these people need to realize one thing: they're spoiled. That's right, the average fucking American is spoiled rotten and not realizing it. We sit in our central air controlled homes, with our washers, dryers, cable, clean tap water and insulation and take it all for granted. We're also wasteful as hell. I'm from Japan, and we don't even use clothes dryers..and central air? HAH. We have room to room units for air conditioning. And in some of the older homes? Heating? Forget it. We have a room for a fire but otherwise we bundle the fuck up. I won't even go into the time I spent in China and how the average person over there lives. They're just grateful for a meal everyday and able to boil their water to drink. Even in the winter when many of them are cold and shivering, I never heard a complaint or a whine. All smiles, all family and friend. 

Yet here I see if someone's wireless go out for even an hour, they go on a bitch fit like it's the end of the world. It makes me sick, but for the most part I hold my tongue cause I realize most Americans don't know better. They assume everyone has the luxuries they have, so I'll forgive that ignorance, I guess. Yet stop and think before you say you wish to "leave" the United States. Think really hard on what you would be giving up and sacrificing before you think you want to leave or secede. Ready to give up your social security? Ready to give up the government that will come to your aide in a natural disaster? Ready to give up on equal rights? I could go on forever..but if you are still stuck on packing up..Well, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. 

I may not be an American, yet, but I am proud to be here. Take some pride in your country. Especially to those who never left it, you honestly have no idea how blessed you are.

- Until next time,



  1. I am a ridiculously proud Texan. Almost giddy about it even. Texas is the only state in the union that was once its own country and still bears the right to secede from the United States as a nation of its own, because it is the only State to enter the Union by Treaty. It's the only state that has the right to fly its flag the same height as the Old Glory. Our State Capitol dome is even a touch higher than the one in D.C. I could go on boasting for hours but won't, I promise. Now there are those talking secession. Oh, pul-leaze....We may have the right, but then there wouldn't be anything left. We're bound together as a nation. That's why we are so strong. That's why we're still free. That's the whole idea of being an American. That's the reason it's called the "United" States, not the "Self Sustaining Individual & Childishly Independent" States of America. Men and women have died maintaining freedom for the rest of us, and we have more rights than anyone on this frickin planet. And we need to use those rights more carefully now than we ever have before and...*takes a deep and painful breath*...and that's why this Texan will leave Texas before he leaves his country.

  2. Braeden, thank you so much for your reply! It's refreshing to see things from your point of view. Though Texans may be able to do it and survive, does not make it the right thing to do. Glad to see such a proud American!
